Job Application

Job Application

The employment market is a very competitive one. Your resume has to stand out in order to create a favourable impression with a decision maker.

To ensure that your resume is working to give you the best opportunity of a face to face interview, it is essential that it provides accurate and concise information in a format that is easy to read, and from which the relevant details can be accessed quickly.

Resume preparation tips

  • Contact details
    Provide your full name, telephone number and email address (Be cautious about work telephone numbers).

  • Format
    – Try to keep your resume to 2 page and include your name on each page.
    – Maintain the same formatting throughout the entire resume. This improves ease of reading, as well as making it easier for the reader to find all relevant information.

  • Personal information to exclude
    Leave out personal information such as race, religion, hobbies, marital status, children, etc.

  • Achievements
    Include information about your awards and any significant personal or professional achievements.

  • Education
    List degrees, relevant training courses, honours or scholarships or study in order of completion and include the dates and institutions in which they were completed.

  • Work History
    – Start with your most recent position first, document your work history accurately, record start and finish dates. Ensure that the reader is not confused by overlapping dates.
    – Provide position title and detail your daily activity. Place the most relevant details first.
    – If the position was a short term, or one with no relevance to the position you’re applying for, record limited information.
    – Provide real examples of where your skills have brought about positive results for the company in each role.

  • Additional skills
    List other areas of competencies such as computer software used, languages spoken, licenses held, professional memberships.

  • Spelling & Grammar
    – Thoroughly check for spelling and grammatical errors and have someone else check over it too if possible.
    – Do not use abbreviations or slang terms.

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